

At Sira Yoga we believe that the teachers are a pivotal part of our community. We choose the best teachers: those that believe in the yogic path and most importantly, care about the students.

‘I cannot be a teacher without exposing who I am.’ 

–Paulo Freire

Maayan Shenhar

Founder of Sira Yoga Jerusalem.

Born in Jerusalem, lived 10 years in California.

Practices Ashtanga since 2008, started teaching in 2012

Maayan Shenhar is an Ashtanga Vinyasa, Yin, Dharma and Rocket teacher. Her classes offer practitioners the opportunity to try challenging asanas with humor and playfulness, as well as explore yogic philosophy in a simple and practical manner.

Maayan was lucky to study with great yoga teachers:

David Swenson – Senior Ashtanga teacher and the student of Pattabhi Jois (100HR Second Series Course)

Sri Dharma Mittra – 300HR Advanced Teacher Training

Caroline Klebl – 200HR Teacher Training

Ricardo and Jois –  100HR Rocket Training

Kristin Campbell – Certified to teach Tapsya Hot Yoga by Kirstin, Founder of the system.

Maayan holds a Bachelor’s in Philosophy by from the Hebrew University and is currently working of her Masters.

Maayan’s Facebook and Instagram

Lula Almog

Born in Jerusalem. Yoga teacher performance artist, dramatist.

Founder of Sira Yoga – Jerusalem.

Teaches yoga since 2013. Ashtanga teacher, Vinyasa Hatha based on aids and basics.

Delivers retreats of silence and meditation.

“I first encountered the concept of yoga nearly 14 years ago, in Gandhi’s autobiography, when I travelled east at the age of 17. Indian culture since I first met it intrigued me, and I first encountered yoga through books. Learning yoga was alongside learning ideas from philosophers, meditation, art and Indian poetry.

I have been to India several times for periods of several months.

The field of consciousness research attracts me very much and a strong tendency to therapy.  I volunteered as a yoga teacher at a center for girls at risk, and at a hostel for the mentally handicapped.

In addition, I am an artist who deals with my art with tools that I have acquired from the world of consciousness research, so I mainly deal with performance, and reflexive performances.

I like to emphasize in practice the connection between action and intention, understanding of abilities and refining consciousness.

Lula has studied with:

 2013 – Shimon Ben Avi – a student of Pattabhi Jois (700 hours)

2018 – Anat Tzahor – Iyengar’s student. (250 hours).

2017 – Graduate of the School of Visual Theatre in Jerusalem (4 years).

Lula’s Facebook and Instagram

Yuval Rubinstein

Favorite Asana: Garba pindasana and all the variations.

I was born and raised in Jerusalem and from the day I arrived to the world I loved movement.
I always thought that yoga wasn’t for me, until one naive morning on the……. 

I discovered Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Front that boiling sweaty moment, the breath and the movement met, my curiosity seeped into the language, the sounds, the names of the positions and the counting. From this one practice, yoga turned into a inseparable part of me.
For me, to teach yoga is to be a part of a processes happening in the present and to contribute something greater than myself in a supportive and transcendent space in which one can observe and look to one’s heart, to the present moment, the most inner and simple presence, the now.

My teachers:
Swami Vivekananda school, Rishikesh (50hrs)
Ayelet Shilgi, Iyengar Yoga Dharamshala (50hrs)
Keren Or Kitzis, Ashtanga Yoga
Erika Rintovich, Ashtanga Yoga (200hrs)

Maya Romm

I met Yoga as a new space in which I could move my body, after I stopped dancing.

The first date I had with yoga was surprising and I really wasn’t sure if I was going to continue to a second date… at first I entered into an Ashtanga practice and I was amazed (shocked even) from the fast pace and the the physical challenge, standing still in a position and from my awareness, as much as it came in and out of focus. 

From this first practice, Yoga has been an inseparable part of me. I love being a student, to research my body, to listen to the silence (and sometimes to be afraid of it) and to practice more and more.    

In my classes, I strive to enable students to experience softness, simplicity, curiosity, enjoyment and a challenge. 

In my foundations classes we will get to taste from the traditional Ashtanga series, focusing on our awareness on the position we will be exploring. In my classes for “All Levels” we will experience the magic of Ashtanga, hopefully learning new things about both ourselves and the practice, even for those familiar with the series.


200hrs – Ashtanga Vinyasa, Universal Yoga – Vijay Amar 

200hrs – Ashtanga Vinyasa, Yoga Studio in Aminadav, Merav Reuel Moyal

300hrs – Ashtanga Vinyasa – Yoga Levontin – Neta Barnea 

50hrs – Rocket Yoga – Sira Yoga – Leon London and Maayan Shenhar

Ifat Chen

Born in Jerusalem, Ifat loves traveling the world and returned to Jerusalem after many years. She has been practicing yoga since 2007 and teaching since 2013.

She is a teacher of Ashtanga, Vinyasa, and therapeutic yoga and a practitioner of manual therapy: Thai massage, Swedish massage, holistic therapy, and chronic pain treatment.

“I remember my first encounter with yoga, the practice, every entry into a pose, and the synchronization of movement with breath. It wasn’t trivial for me, and something inside called me to keep coming back to classes and persist. Each session revealed more depth and, most importantly, made me feel good in body and soul.

For me, yoga is a way of life that teaches and provides tools for a better life. We all want to live well, don’t we?” 🙂

Chaviva Eskot

Hey! I’m Chaviva, addicted to handstands and a teacher of yoga since 2018 (Ashtanga, Rocket and Yin). I fell in love with the world of yoga back in 2015 when I was introduced to the Ashtanga practice. Afterwards, because of Sira Yoga, I was lucky enough to to learn and fall in love with a new, dynamic, fun style: Rocket Yoga! Since then, the rest is history 😉 I chose to teach yoga because of my love for teaching, and to give to all of my practitioners everything that yoga has given me.

In the class Rocket foundations, we will practice the first series of Rocket, founded by Ari Shultz, one of Patavi Joyce’s sudents. This series is made up of a series of movements from the first three Ashtanga series to create a balanced, dynamic, strengthening and flexible practice. In this practice you will find opportunities to practice inversions, backbends and more. You are invited to meet and explore this challenging and dynamic practice, slowly and cautiously. And if you ask why Rocket? ‘Rocket Yoga – it gets you there faster’ as Bob Weir the greatest said- Grateful Dead.

Adi Harat

My name is Adi, 27 years old
I practice and research the many levels of yoga
I was introduced to the world of Yoga for the first time on my big trip after my army service. I was returning from the beach, quite annoyed, in a magical coastal city in Costa Rica, suddenly I saw a sign that read – Yoga class today at 6pm. The time was ten to six. Becuase I wasn’t in a great mood and didn’t want to return to the hostel and be alone I said to myself ‘Yalla, it’s meant to be’. This was my first ever Yoga class. As a dancer, when all that mattered is how I looked during my movement, and how not to show pain and just smile, suddenly I found something different in Yoga. I didn’t know exactly what it was at the time, but I recognized the significance of this experience. From that moment I did not stop researching and deepening my understanding of yoga, to explore this connection between movement and the awareness, movement that connects to the inner self, the breathe, the silence, the soul. For me, yoga is a tool for self- discovery, to heighten the awareness, a tool to heal and a tool for true freedom, something that is not dependent on anything. Yoga has the great ability to change out outlook on the world, an ability to help us know the world and ourselves within it, and to rid ourselves of any masks and enable us to just be. To practice on the mat so that afterwards, in the world, we will act from a place of freedom.
In my classes the emphasis is placed on listening. Listening to your body, and your conciseness, what arises within me because of the practice. We work together with the body and our conciseness and befriending them. The goal in the class is first off, to accept ourselves as we are, there is no objective to reach a place that we are not currently in. With the help of movement and the breath, we will explore and find that everything is occurring right now, and that is what we are aiming for.
On the way we will activate the body in different and unconventional ways, and we will just have fun.
I completed an Ashtanga Vinyasa and Hatha teachers training course (200hrs) with World Peace Yoga School in Rishikesh, India
Rocket Vinyasa with Maayan Shenhar and Leon London (50 hrs)
Param Yoga with Shai Bachar (500 hrs)
And soon I will be completing a first degree in Psychology and Inia Studies – with a focus on the Indian philosophy and Yoga.

Lia Amit

An experienced teacher of Integrative Yoga, Psychotherapy and sound and movement.

My practice and the space that I create for it requires a simple connection to be made between the student and the somatic experience, a deepening in the body’s presence through deep awareness to the breath, stability and strength. Playing with curiosity, we will experience the moment and all that is involved, in the body and in the now.

Dorin Nahman

From a young age I have been involved in the world of movement and I was always fascinated by the world of body and mind. From the age of 17 I have been practicing yoga, and a year after I was introduced to Pilates I fell in love.

I feel that yoga and pilates complete and enrich one another, and over the years I have enjoyed combining both practices in my life.


In 2018 I decided to take myself a step further and I completed a Pilates Instructors course via the Pilates Studio Academy in Rosh Pina.

As time went on I decided to enter into the world of therapy, and in 2019 I started Chinese Medicine studies in Reidman College in Jerusalem.
Today I treat in acupuncture Tui na, teach mat Pilates in the city for over 3 years, practice Pilates myself as well as yoga for 10 years and dream of completing a yoga teachers course in my spare time ☺️